No matter the location of your honeymoon, you should consider honeymooning with fake jewelry. You could be at a tropical beach destination and lose your ring while snorkeling. You could be skiing in the mountains and lose it in the snow. You could be going to another country or visiting an area that is not as safe as your hometown. No matter the reason, no matter the honeymoon destination, you should consider purchasing a fake.
For our honeymoon, we were spending six weeks all over Asia. There were going to be a lot of transfers on flights, trains, and even a cruise all within four countries, plus a lot of hotel rooms. NO WAY was I wearing the beautiful engagement ring hubby got me, nor my mother’s heirloom wedding band, on this trip. To chance losing or having either of them stolen would have been a nightmare. We did some research, and for $30 I could buy a fake honeymoon ring. I didn’t want to wear my flashy rings for our honeymoon through Asia; I had just wanted a simple band. Something to show I was married, but not something that would call too much attention to us. Continue reading to learn more on securing your real rings, alternative metals, and alternative stones so you too can find your fakie!
Securing Your Real Rings
Ring Insurance: Just like how you insure other large purchases in your life such as your car and home, you can (and should) also insure your rings! I plan to write a future post on ring insurance, so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, keep in mind that, even with ring insurance, if you lose your ring in another country you might be in a pickle! Most likely you need to file a police report to claim the ring with the insurance company, and unless you speak their language that may be very challenging. Also, depending on the insurance coverage, you may not be covered when traveling out of the country. Obviously read all contracts before you sign up for insurance to know what you are covered for. If your insurance is not international, do not wear your ring overseas. If you take the chance and lose it, or it’s stolen, just kiss it goodbye.
Safety Deposit Box: It’s a good idea to store your jewelry (that isn’t worn daily) and valuables in a safety deposit box at the bank. I have a small box which only costs me about $100 a year. For that small investment, you will have peace of mind that your personal treasures are kept safe while on vacation and on a general day. After our wedding, we had a full day to be home before we left for our honeymoon. In that day, we got our affairs in order and made a stop at our local bank to drop off my rings in our safety deposit box. Plan ahead, know your bank’s hours of operations, and leave time to stop by.

Alternative Metals
White gold, yellow gold, and platinum are the most common fine jewelry metals. They are usually the metals found in women’s engagement ring and wedding band options. Men’s wedding bands are offered in these fine metals but also offered in the metals listed below, which are alternative metals that are more durable and affordable. I suppose jewelry designers assume men will be tougher and rougher on their rings, so they offer them more durable options.

Tungsten is a very durable, strong metal. It’s harder than gold and less likely to scratch. Tungsten is very versatile because you can get it in a silver, gold, or even black look with shiny, matte, or brushed finishes. It can also be designed into any cut and style. Tungsten is also hypoallergenic and won’t turn your skin green. Best part of all? It is a fraction of the price of gold, silver, or platinum. While engaged, hubby and I found coupon codes online for JVLjewelry.com which allowed us to get two rings for the price of shipping (around $30). Normally these rings are in the $200-$300 range each!! I recommend you run some internet searches before buying with JVL, because they always have coupon codes. You cannot beat that price! My husband and I both got our tungsten fakies here, and he also got his tungsten wedding band from JVL too. JVL also offers matching men’s and women’s bands, so you and your spouse can get identical rings. Hubby and I did not match because I wanted a silver, really sleek design, and he had wanted black and more masculine ones. But it is an option, if you are looking for that.
I’d say there are a few minor downsides to tungsten:
- Since tungsten is harder than gold, it is also minorly heavier than gold. To me it’s not a noticeable difference in my band, but my husbands’ are a bit larger and wider than mine and are heavier.
- Tungsten cannot be resized like gold or silver. Therefore, you must get your finger professionally sized before you place your order. That’s easy enough though, because any jewelry store will size you for free. If you ever size out of your tungsten ring—let’s say you gain or lose weight or get pregnant—then you will likely have to buy a new one. Again, they are affordable anyway, but if you find a coupon code, they are just ridiculously cheap.
- Because tungsten is one of the hardest metals on earth, it cannot be bent or cut (which is why tungsten rings cannot be resized), so a strong enough impact, even from a drop, could actually shatter or crack your tungsten ring. JVL offers lifetime warranties on their rings, so if this happens to your tungsten ring, then look into the warranty for your company too!

Titanium is a very lightweight, hypoallergenic, corrosion-resistant metal. It is three times stronger than steel and less likely to dent, scratch, or lose its shape or shine over time. Titanium is offered in an array of cuts and styles. You also don’t have to worry about discolored skin while wearing titanium. It is very cost effective and ranges in the $300s per ring on JVL and other online sites that you can probably find coupon codes for.
- Titanium is only really suited for solid bands. You can’t make a traditional engagement ring with a prong stone holder out of solid titanium.
- Titanium like tungsten cannot be resized, so you will also have to have the measurement known.

Stainless Steel is a strong metal that does not oxidize or tarnish. When it is polished, it may look shinier than sterling silver. It can be presented in shiny or brushed finishes. Stainless steel resists dents, scratches, and chips better than most other metals. Stainless steel rings range around $50-$100.
- Being that it sometimes looks brighter and shinier than sterling silver, it may be easier identified as fake. That may not be important to everyone, but just throwing it out there.

Sterling Silver is another viable option for an affordable fakie. It has a beautiful silver shine. Plain bands range around $50-$100 but can go very high if you start setting gemstones or diamonds into the metal. Platinum, white gold, and sterling silver are all typically rhodium-plated. This is a process where the jewelry is dipped into a silvery white metallic element that bonds to the surface of your ring to protect it from corrosion. Being that all three are dipped, and look the same in the end, sterling silver is the cheapest option. Note that, over time, rhodium-dipped jewelry should be re-dipped to continue protection and luster. For example, hubby and I had an 18-month engagement. The day before our wedding, I held my unworn wedding band next to my 18-month-old engagement ring. My engagement ring looked SOOOO DULL and full of scratches next to the unworn ring. I quickly brought them to Zales jewelry store, and within a few hours they rhodium-plated my engagement ring. When they were finished, both rings looked identical and perfect. In just 18 months after the engagement, my ring had changed so much just through normal wear and tear. You don’t really notice the change as you wear the jewelry every day. It was only when the new and old rings were next to each other that I could tell.
- Sterling silver tarnishes over time. Even if just sitting in your jewelry box, you will need to polish your sterling silver jewelry over time.
- Gold and platinum are more durable and long-lasting than silver due to silver’s softness.

Plated jewelry is extremely affordable. You could have a ring made out of one of the metals listed above and then have it gold- or platinum-plated (dipped) to look identical to a solid gold or platinum piece.
- Through normal wear and tear, the plating wears off and you are left with the metal underneath, making this not a very long-lasting option. Especially for a ring, something that can get banged up every time you hold something, it’s probably not the best idea. For a necklace, I’d say you probably can get away with it.
Silicone is a newer option that has become increasingly popular with both men and women for daily wear. This ring is perfect for people that have dangerous jobs and aren’t supposed to wear jewelry for safety reasons, or if you work with their hands or even like to go to the gym. The most affordable and durable option is silicone ranging only about $20 per ring. The rings come in a whole array of colors, from metallic to look like the metals listed above, to pink, blue, purple, and more. They are sold in wide and narrow band options. With the narrow band, you can even stack several bands together to get a multi-color look.
- These rings are designed to stretch a bit, but they are also designed to break when really tugged on. This is actually a really good thing, because if it got caught in heavy machinery it would just break, as opposed to a gold ring bending and crushing your finger in that same scenario. So this advantage turns into a disadvantage, because silicone rings can break and will break over time. If you are sentimental, I’d suggest not getting married with a silicone ring, because it won’t last forever. Just use the silicone ring as your spare, or vacation fakie ring, or gym ring.

Alternative Stones
Diamonds are the most common stone found in engagement rings, but they are not the only option. There are a couple things people do with alternative stones. You can opt for these alternative stones in your engagement ring and save the money you would have spent on diamonds. You can purchase an identical fakie to your real engagement ring and use that just for vacations, or even daily use to and from work. Believe it or not, in NYC a lot of people wear fake rings on the trains, because they don’t want to wear their real bling around the big city. You could also go totally left field and get a ring that looks different and wear that on vacations. Remember, a fake stone doesn’t make you any less married while on vacation, it just makes you smarter and probably safer.
Cubic Zirconia, or sometimes shortened to CZ, is probably the most commonly known of the list below. Cubic zirconia is a non-gemstone diamond substitute you can purchase from literally every store selling jewelry. They are the most popular substitute in costume jewelry but can also be found in fine jewelry. These man-made gemstones resemble flawless diamonds, are beautiful, and are environmentally friendly.

Moissanite actually has more light refractors within it than a diamond does, making it outshine a natural diamond. Natural moissanite is rare, as it is only found near crater sites, so most moissanite for jewelry is created in a lab.

White Sapphire are sapphires that lack the metal oxides which create colored sapphires. Typically, sapphire stone jewelry (in any color—blue, pink, purple, yellow, or green) will be set with accompanying white sapphires, giving you a complete sapphire look that resembles colored sapphires and diamonds. This makes the piece more affordable. Additionally, white sapphires are commonly set as large center stones on engagement rings or pendants in necklaces.

White Topaz is not as common as yellow or blue topaz, but it is an affordable option as a diamond substitute. Often white topaz will be set in either sterling silver or white gold.

In closing, your fine jewelry rings are a big investment, so protect them. Small financial investments in ring insurance, a safety deposit box, and a fakie will further protect your fine jewelry assets. Now that you know your alternative metal and stone options, you can confidently decide which is best for you and your lifestyle. There are many affordable options out there to chose from. The important thing is to not leave this task until the last minute, as it does take time to get sized and receive your ring. Now go enjoy some affordable jewelry shopping!
DISCLAIMER: Any brands listed above are not sponsors.